Sunday, August 25, 2013

My Sister's Keeper

In My Sister's Keeper, Jodi Picoult suggests that when sisters face a challenge, their relationship becomes stronger than ever. This theme can be seen throughout the entire book. It first presents itself in the beginning of the book, when the reader finds out that Kate has a rare form of leukemia. Anna, Kate's younger sister, is always with her when she is in the hospital. Not only is Anna, Kate's donor, but she is also Kate's eyes and ears when she is in the hospital bed. Kate and Anna have a very strong relationship, which can be seen in this quote, "I crawl onto the bed, which is narrow, but still big enough for the both of us. I rest my head on her chest, so close to her central line that I can see the liquid dripping into her. Jesse is wrong- I didn't come to see Kate because it would make me feel better. I came because without her, it's hard to remember who I am" (Picoult 138).
The strong bond between sisters can also be seen between Julia and Izzy. Julia plays a role in the court case between Anna and her parents because Julia is Anna's guardian ad litem. Julia and Izzy are twins, who have many challenges of their own. The following quote shows how Julia and Izzy rely on each other and how they have a strong relationship. "Isobel is three minutes older than me, but I've always been the one who takes care of her. I'm her nuclear bomb: when there's something upsetting her, I go in and lay waste to it, whether that's one of our six older brothers teasing her or the evil Janet..." (Picoult 107).
 The article I chose is a perfect article for anyone who is interested in reading My Sister's Keeper. I agree with everything that is said in the article, except when it says that the book was written from too many points of view. I disagree because having the book written from multiple perspectives helped me, as the reader, to better comprehend what was happening in the book. This article sums up the major events in the book, without giving too many details away. If you are interested in reading My Sister's Keeper, make sure that you read the following link.
My Sister's Movie Trailer 2009