Monday, September 23, 2013

The Lovely Bones: Chapter 17

I am almost done reading The Lovely Bones. Susie's sister Lindsey is now twenty-one, and her boyfriend, Samuel, and her just graduated from college. Samuel and Lindsey were riding a motor cycle, heading home, when it started pouring rain. They got off the bike, led it to some underbrush to keep it dry. They left the bike while they ran deeper into the woods, looking for a dry spot. "And then, through the thick weeds and darkness both of them saw the broken window panes that ran along the top of an old Victorian house. . . They looked at each other, and my sister said what they were both thinking. 'It's dry!' "(Sebold 235).

They entered the house and found that nobody was home. Samuel insisted that they explore the house. Samuel loved all the craftsmanship and detail put into the house. Samuel declared that he wanted to own this house. He got down on one knee, and proposed to Lindsey. She was surprised and said yes. Samuel and Lindsey were about 10 miles from Lindsey's house, and since they both knew her dad was anxiously waiting for them, they ran home. Once inside the Salmons house, Lindsey and Samuel told her dad that they were engaged, and he was overjoyed! " 'I'd say,' he managed, standing up to shake Samuel's hand, 'that I couldn't wish for a better son-in-law.' " (Sebold 245). Watching from heaven, Susie was ecstatic. "But that moment I ran around my heaven like... a chicken with its head cut off! I was so happy I screamed over and over again. My sister! My Samuel! My dream!" (Sebold 241). Everyone in the family was excited for the both of them. I predict that there will be an amazing wedding for them.

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