Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Book Review for A Secret Kept

I just finished reading the book, A Secret Kept, written by Tatiana de Rosnay. After reading the synopsis on the cover, the book sounded intriguing. I am so glad that I read it. This is a historical fiction novel about a long kept family secret. Melanie and Antoine are the main characters. They are very developed characters, and it made the book that much better.
Growing up, every year for vacaction, Melanie and Antoine would go on a trip with their dad's side of the family to Noirmoutier Island. However, after their mom died, they never went on that vacation again. Now, Melanie is turning 40 years old. Antoine couldn't think of a better way to celebrate that to return to  Noirmoutier Island. They haven't been back to the island since Melanie was 6 years old. On their little weekend get away, memories of their mother came flooding in... both good and bad. They recalled how she looked very elegant in her black dress for dinner, and how she always played with them in the ocean water. Unfortunatley, one memory came back to Melanie that made them realize that they may not have truly known their mom afterall. Before Melanie told Antoine of this memory, she wrecked their car driving home from  Noirmoutier Island. As a reader, you follow them on this journey of trying to figure out the secret, who their mom really was, while balancing their everyday lives.
I really enjoyed this book! I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical fiction mixed with a little bit of romance. Overall, I would have to rate this book with 4 out of 5 stars. While it was very well written, there could have been more clarification during certain parts. I found this writing style very unique. In between the beginning chapters of the book, there are letters. It never says who they are to or who they are from until the later half of the book. These letters really tied together the book, and it was a nice touch to the overall writing technique of the book.


  1. Reagan I think that this sounds like a great book! But, what about the writing style was unique other than the letters at the beginning of the book? And how do those letters tie to the book?

    1. I can't explain how the letters tied into the book without giving anything away! Another unique writing technique, since the book's setting was in France, there are some French words incorporated in the book.

  2. I think adding the letters is great. It really adds depth and mystery to the book. I love mystery stories, they keep me reading on. I think it also engages the reader a lot more because they get to race with the characters to try and figure out what the answer is! I'm glad you enjoyed this book, I may have to borrow it from you!

  3. Every time you say Melanie it makes me think of The Host. Her name is Melanie right? (Don't know if I'm remembering correctly).
    I've never heard of this book before and it looks and sounds different which is nice to have sometimes. However, I'm not totally into the Historical Fiction genre so, I don't think this would be the right book for me. I'm glad you enjoyed it though!
