Sunday, May 18, 2014


In The Book Thief there is a combination of elevated diction and informal diction. The use of elevated diction is used when discussing Hitler or in conversations with adults. The informal diction is mostly used when Liesel is talking to Rudy. The author of this book really makes you feel like you are in the book by using an engaging technique. This technique is incorporating German words into the text of the book. By using these words, it makes you feel as if you are actually there. During Liesel's birthday, Max says, "Alles Gute zum Geburstag" (page 187). This translates to, all the best for your birthday, which is translated in the book.

The use of elevated diction in this book shows sophistication. A good use of elevated diction is, "The nightmares arrived like they always did, much like the best player in the opposition when you've heard rumors that he might be injured or sick - but there he is, warming up with the rest of them, ready to take the field" (page 186). The use of this quote in the book compares the nightmares Liesel and Max have to the best player in the opposition. On this same page a couple of paragraphs down there is informal diction. It reads, "The trick was to keep them apart" (page 186). This quote is very straight forward and easy to read. The use of both elevated diction and informal diction contribute to how the reader interprets certain events. The coolest thing, vocabulary wise, that this book has to offer is the couple of sentences, here and there, that are in German.

"Make the words your own"

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Struggle

Rudy, Rudy, Rudy... Rudy is Liesel's best friend. He is a blonde little boy who says it like it is, and doesn't like taking instructions from another person. With his personality, Hitler's Youth Camp doesn't necessarily sit well with him, to say the least. It is now to the point where he has started skipping sessions. He was pushed to the point when his friend Tommy, who is part deaf, was getting beat up.  Naturally, Rudy stood up for his friend, and that got him into some big trouble. He has been struggling to get by. The book said, "As for Rudy, so far this year he'd swallowed mud, bathed himself in fertilizer, been half-strangled by a developing criminal, and was now receiving something at least nearing the icing on the cake- public humiliation on Munich Street" (Zusak 235). All of the struggles mentioned in the quote started out at Hitler's Youth Camps.

Not only does Rudy have to face these problems on a daily basis, but he hasn't told his family yet. His family has no idea that he has been skipping. When they find out, they will make him return to the camps. I predict that eventually, Rudy will be caught, have to go back to the camps, and get punished even more.
Liesel and Rudy running through the streets

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Dear Fuhrer

Dear Fuhrer,

I along with the rest of the Jewish population don't support what you have chosen to do with us. We have many chosen words for you that for the sake of politeness have not been included. Do you even realize that we are people too, and that we all have the same rights to life? I have a family. I have a religion. And most importantly I have a future, that now thanks to you, doesn't look much longer. I am not the only Jew that is worried about the safety of myself, my family, and my friends. 

I bet you don't know how many supporters you actually have. One of my closest friends is a Nazi, and he helped me escape and find a safe house. His name will not be enclosed for the sake of his safety. I bet your proud of what you have accomplished with your life. You have people scared out of their mind when you walk into the room. I am having nightmares thanks to you. Last night, I had a dream where you had me stand in front of the Nazi's, while you tormented me. All of your followers sounded like robots when they responded to your demands "Yes Fuhrer!" Ha! Do you realize how insensible you are?

I have given up EVERYTHING due to your discrimination against us. You had better sleep with your eyes open at night, and always have your back covered... because let me tell you, there are many people out to get you. But in all sincerity, I hope you realize what a self-centered jerk you are.

Max Vandenburg

P.S. Good luck finding me! I am hiding where you will NEVER find me!