Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Divergent: Chapter 10 Overview

One of my friends recommended the book Divergent to me, and so far it is good as they were portraying it to be. I have just finished reading chapter 10, so I thought I would give an overview of it. In the beginning of the chapter, Tris has a nightmare, about what occured yesterday. During the first round of fights, her friend Christina gave up. As punishment, she had to hang from a railing over a rushing river, for five minutes. "That night I dream that Christina hangs from the railing again, by her toes this time, and someone shouts that only someone who is Divergent can help her. So I run forward to pull her up, but someone shoves me over the edge, and I wake before I hit the rocks" (Roth 105). She wakes up from her dream, drentched in sweat. When she got back from the girls shower, Peter, spray- painted the word "stiff" on her matress and on the bed frame.

When Tris arrives at training, she glances up at the board to see who would be fighting today. Her name ws up there, and written next to it was Peter's name. She had to fight Peter. It's finally time for the fight to begin. One swing after the next, Peter is beating Tris up. "His arm twitches and pain stabs my jaw and spreads across my face, making my vision go black at the edges and my ears ring. I blink and lurch to the side as the room dips and sways. I don't remember his fist coming at me" (Roth 110).

 Tris went unconcious from the fight and woke up in the hospital. She had lost the fight to Peter. "The only thing worse than letting Peter put me in the hospital would be letting him put me there overnight" (Roth 117). Late at night, Tris snuck back to her dorm, because she didn't want to spend the night in the hospital.

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