Sunday, November 3, 2013

My Blog Reflection

By blogging this trimester, my writing has improved tremendously! As each week progressed, I feel like I became a better blogger. This can be seen throughout many of my blogs, but especially between my blogs titled, “The Lovely Bones: Book Recommendation” and, “Insurgent: Book Review”. The book recommendation about The Lovely Bones I wrote towards the beginning of the trimester, and you can tell. I have no textual evidence to support my claims, I don’t state what type of readers may enjoy reading the book, and when I stated “I think there could be improvements made”, I don’t give any specific examples of what the author could change.  In my book review of Insurgent, I use quotes to support my claims, I elaborated on major events (without any spoilers), and I explained which type of audience this book may appeal to. I said “I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed reading The Hunger Games. Insurgent contains a lot of action, mixed with a little romance”. It is as if the two blogs I am using for examples are night and day.

Overall, I really enjoyed blogging this trimester. I love reading good books, and being able to talk about them just made me more excited to keep reading. While I say I enjoyed blogging, I also enjoyed reading other students blogs and seeing what they had to say about the books that they were reading. One thing I struggled with through my blogging experience was trying to find two things that I could blog about each week. With all of my other homework, I didn’t have a ton of time to read outside of school, so I had trouble finding enough to blog about each week. I worked through this struggle by setting a goal for myself about how much time I should slot to read each day. Once I did this, I found I was moving along in my books quicker, and I was able to start new books. This really helped me find new things to blog about each week. One strength I had with blogging was when I set out to blog about a specific topic; I elaborated and could provide textual evidence. In most of my blogs towards the middle of the trimester and on, I did provide a lot of textual evidence. Unfortunately, I have not met my reading goal on good reads yet. My goal is set for 10 books, and I am almost half way there. I have completed a total of 4 books this trimester. I used in many ways. I followed some of my friends to get the latest on what they were reading. I downloaded the app to my phone, which I used to update the progress of my reading. I think I have improved as a reader over this trimester. By slotting out a certain amount of time each day to read, I found that I was able to read a book quicker. I also gained a better love of reading. I have a new respect for authors because it seems hard to be able to write a whole book and go through the process of getting it published. I really enjoyed blogging this trimester, and I am glad I was given the opportunity to become a better writer and reader!

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