Sunday, October 6, 2013

Divergent: Analysis

 I have just started reading Divergent, written by Veronica Roth. So far, it is a fantastic book. A lot has happened so far to set the stage for the rest of the book. This book takes place in a futuristic world, where people live with other people like them. These groups are called Faction's. When you turn 16, you have to choose the faction, with whom you will spend your life. Beatrice, the protagonist in this book, is very indecisive, but she is confident in herself. "Then, with a gasp I can't contain, I shift my hand forward, and my blood sizzles on the coals. I am selfish. I am brave" (Roth 47). This quote shows directly that she is brave. However, indirectly, it shows how she is indecisive. She can't seem to choose between the Abnegation Faction or the Dauntless Faction. I infer that she will stay in the Abnegation Faction because that is the faction that her family is in, and its the one she grew up in.

The faction system was created to avoid war. Each faction believes in something that specifically caused disputes between people. " 'Working together, these five factions have lived in peace for many years, each contributing to a different sector of society. Abnegation has fulfilled our need for selfless leaders in government; Candor has provided us with trustworthy and sound leaders in law; Erudite has supplied us with intelligent teachers and researchers; Amity has given us understanding counselors and caretakers; and Dauntless provides us with protection from threats both within and without. But the reach of each faction is not limited to these areas. We give one another far more than can be adequately summarized. In our factions, we find meaning, we find purpose, we find life.' " (Roth 43). This quote shows the importance of factions in their society. It keeps things running smoothly. I predict that eventually there will be conflict between factions, and a war will break out. I can't wait to keep reading!

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