Monday, October 14, 2013

Insurgent: Book Review

After reading Divergent (the first book in this series), I decided to read Insurgent. I am so glad that I read it. It is a very well written book with a lot of action in it. After the Erudite faction attacked the Abnegation faction, with help from the Dauntless, war broke out. Nowhere is safe. Tris Prior, time and time again, puts herself in the face of danger to protect her friends and those she loves. "I will not let Tobias go to Erudite when it happens again, when someone else dies. I will not" (Roth 314).
The faction system was created to prevent war, and that is exactly what it has done in the past. However, now as tensions are rising, war breaks out. There are five factions total.

Within each faction, their members are siding with other factions. Some Dauntless are siding with Erudite and some of the other Dauntless are siding with Abnegation. I loved every part in this book. It kept me on the edge of my seat, always wanting to find out what will happen next. I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars. It was a great book, and I don't see any places where improvements could be made.
I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed reading The Hunger Games. Insurgent contains a lot of action, mixed with a little romance.

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