Sunday, April 6, 2014

Choosing The Book Thief

After a rather short, yet relaxing spring break, we are back at school. I have to admit, I did not read quite as much as I had hoped to over spring break. Nonetheless, I finally finished Touch & Go, and have moved onto The Book Thief. I have not begun reading this book yet, so I decided to share what made me pick it up in the first place.

When I hear of a good book, I add it to my eWish List on my nook. I heard about this book a while back, added it to my list, then it just sat there. I found out they were making it into a movie, and that still didn't motivate me to pick up this book. I kept wondering to myself, what exactly is this book about... a book thief? I read the synopsis, and that only clarified a couple of my questions. I put these questions in the back of my mind. However, after finishing Fahrenheit 451, I got a better understanding of what kind of society doesn't want books being read. I came back to this book and read the synopsis again. It sounded more interesting this time around, so I decided to get it. I viewed the movie trailer, which only got me more anxious to read it! I sure hope it is as good as everyone is letting on!

                                                         The Book Thief Movie Trailer

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