Friday, April 18, 2014


Have you ever read a book, where once you pick it up, you can't put it down? I have experienced many books like this. Among my list, is now The Book Thief. I LOVE historical fiction books! This book falls into that category. It takes place in Germany during the rise of Adolf Hitler. For those of you who have history this trimester, it's just like what we've been learning.

Liesel Meminger is the main character of this book. She has a very unique history. She never knew much about her father because he disappeared when she was really young. He was a communist during the time of Hitler. Her mother gave her to a foster family so that she could find some safety. Without the setting of this book, there would be no story. Liesel's foster family lives on Himmel Street. "The Hubermanns lived in one of the small, boxlike houses on Himmel Street. A few rooms, a kitchen, and a shared outhouse with neighbors. The roof was flat and there was a shallow basement for storage" (Zusak 29). This quote gives us a picture of what type of living arrangements Liesel lives in.

On another note, I have learned a little bit more about what kid's life under Hitler was like. When Liesel turned 10 years old, she had to enroll in Hitler Youth. "The first thing they did there was make sure your 'heil Hitler' was working properly. Then you were taught to march straight, roll bandages, and sew up clothes. You were also taken hiking and on other such activities" (Zusak 36). Can you imagine learning these things from the government at age 10? I know I can't. This quote describes to us what types of activities the Hitler Youth participated in.

I am at the part in the book where it is Hitler's birthday, so there is a huge parade and a big bonfire. Now, this isn't a fun bonfire where you get to roast 'smores. It's a bonfire to burn books and communist posters. I can't wait to see what Liesel will do next!


  1. I enjoyed the way you gave two visuals of the novel so that the reader can get a really good grasp on what you are saying.

  2. Is this book based off a true story? Or is it a made up story that takes place during the time Hitler ruling?

  3. I like how you started off with a question. The pictures were a nice touch too!

  4. I your introduction and the way you started off the blog post. I was never interested in historical fiction,but this sounds like a great book and might read it this summer.
