Sunday, April 13, 2014


Although, I am not very far along in this book yet, I have been able to make connections already.

Text-to-Text: When I think of a book thief, the first person who comes to mind is Guy Montag in Fahrenheit 451. Even in a society where it is illegal to read books, Montag keeps a secret stash of books to read in his ventilator grill. I feel like the main girl in The Book Thief, will also have to overcome a similar struggle. A quote from Fahrenheit 451 to support Montag's struggle is, "He put his hand back up and took out two books and moved his hand down and dropped the two books to the floor. He kept moving his hand and dropping books, small ones fairly large ones, yellow, red, green ones. When he was done he looked down upon some twenty books lying at his wife's feet" (page 63). This occurs at the part in the book where Montag reveals his secret stash to Mildred. Mildred is shocked, and doesn't know what to think. What would you do if you knew someone who did something illegal, such as hiding books in this society? Would you turn them in like Mildred did?

Text-to-World: In the beginning of The Book Thief, the narrator describes things in color. It is an effective idea to use colors because each color has a different feeling associated with it. A quote from the book to describe this is, "Next is a signature black, to show the poles of my versatility, if you like. It was the darkest moment before the dawn" (page 14). The author carries on this concept, and at the beginning of each chapter uses a different color. I felt this could be related to Taylor Swift's song Red. In her song she relates loving some guy to the color red. Red Lyrics.

Text-to-Self: Personally, I love reading. But that being said, there are certain books I won't read. But, if books were all together taken away from me and society, I would probably become a modern-day book thief. This connects to the book because the author sets the book up where you want to root for the book thief and what she stands for. I can relate to her on a personal level because I share the same love for books with her.

So far, I am really enjoying this book! I can't wait to keep reading and meet more of the characters.


  1. Wow! You made some really good connections to your book. I like how you were able to make a connection for each type, instead of just one. Great post.

  2. This book is freakin' awesome. Good Choice! Nice Connections

  3. I'm not really into these kind of books but you made it sound really interesting. I like all your connections Good job!

  4. I liked all you connections from the book. I might ry reading this book.
